Coronavirus Crushed Us!

Coronavirus crushed us!

 After the most intense month of work in February we headed back to the slopes for the next 6 weeks of skiing... that obviously didn't happen. Rather than working less hard we worked HARDER (I know we aren't alone in this, this isn't a sob story don't worry!). 

 We got into fighting mode. Reassessing everything. Reaching out to all our clients and looking after them. Reformulating every plan we'd lined up. Shared our latest thinking and thoughts with our investors. Looked after our wonderful team. Cut back whilst simultaneously ramping up! I did not want to look back a few months from now and have not have done EVERYTHING with my power to support all the brilliant people in our extended Tomes Homes & Property Strategy families and to ensure our businesses came out the other side in as best possible health possible. 

 But in truth it crushed us. 4 months of probably the hardest, most intense work of our lives. Whilst looking after everything, we lost sight of looking after ourselves in all this. We put ourselves last.

 Last week we changed that. We had a week off. No laptops, no epic Zoom meeting schedule. 

 And it was so worth it. We had some fabulous ideas last week. Some brilliant chats about the future of the business and how to adapt our strategy with the changing world. 

 I'm also back to business this week with a renewed excitement and inspiration for business growth which was really waning before we walked away for a week.

 AND our wonderful team just nailed it in our absence. Sometimes I swear I'm both the biggest driver and biggest barrier in our business  

 If you haven't prioritised sometime to look after yourself in the last few months, is there a way that you can?

In the mood for more strategic thinking?

There's plenty more where that came from...

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