About Dominic Beecheno

Peak Performance Coach

Dominic is a qualified SFEDI Business and Skills Adviser, and ILM Coach and Mentor Dominic with over 5000 hours of experience diagnosing needs, coaching and mentoring over 2500 Small business leaders in the last 18 years. Passionate about who the leader is BEING, Dominic has a focus on the psychology, habits and environment people need to get results.

As Head Coach and Mentor for both Property Strategy and Property Investors Network, Dominic trains, develops and managers 20 other coaches and mentors. He also holds businesses accountable, ensuring they remain focused on their strategic goals and have the necessary skills and head space to deliver results.

Dominic specialises in Mindset and is qualified in multiple personal profile analysis tools, such as DISC, Harrison Assessments, Wealth Dynamics, Motivational Mapping and Growth Mapping.

Gentle, yet powerful, Dominic's coaching is holistic and addresses health, fitness, sleep and nutrition as a core aspect of peoples ability to perform at their best in our Deal Maker Accelerator (DMA) programme. You'll always receive a very different perspective on your obstacles from Dom.

Headshot of Dominic Beecheno