We've got A's for your Q's!

Is this a property training course?

No. This is a Strategic Implementation programme. It is for property investors with experience who need tailored support, advice, guidance and ideas for the best route forward to doing more deals.  If you are looking for property education, please let us know and we can make recommendations to other providers that we trust that you can speak with.   

Will this programme help me find more investors?


Will this programme help me source more deals?


Who is this programme for?

Property investors with experience. Feel like your wheels are spinning but you aren’t going anywhere. Want to commit to a business model and then fine tune it to make it work consistently with investors.

Fire up the energy and ramp up property activity.

Get more time through focused action and a replicable business model that makes systemisation easy across the whole business. 

Accountability to continually reprioritise and focus on the most important actions and to set up KPI’s to track progress towards your goals.

Community of investors at a similar stage to you where you can get support and ideas on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. 

Will you give me a Kick up the bum?!

Yes! You will be pushed to take (the right) action, remove procrastination and to get out of your comfort zone in doing what it takes to generate more deal leads and have more investor meetings.  If you are looking for an easy life, don’t join this programme ;)   

How much 121 time do I get on the programme?

This programme is focused on outcomes not hours. We will solve the challenges you encounter in the most efficient way possible.

Sometimes you will experience a challenge that many others have experienced before, in which case we have On-Demand Content you can access, in other instances the best way is a 1-2-1 session. Sometimes there will be prep to do in advance to ensure we can get maximum results from the time we spend together.

Depending on the challenge you are facing, when a 1-2-1 session is the best answer you will be directed to the best member of the team to help in that area.  For example, Jackie for Strategic Support, Dave for Detailed Deal Analysis / Finance Support and Dom for Mindset.  We will always link you up with the best person who can help with the specific challenge you are experiencing.

We haven’t set a specific number of hours of 1-2-1 support, as we are motivated by you achieving RESULTS in the most efficient way possible. So if the best way to support this is a 1-2-1 session - we will do this.   

I need to systemise my property business, is this programme for me?

What we often find is that at a certain point, property investors feel completely overwhelmed and time poor, and so the next thought is that now is the time to systemise and hire.

HOWEVER, many property investors at this point are not at the point of having sufficient cashflow to be able to put attention on non-Income Generating Tasks & hiring people. And actually what is required at this point is to FOCUS on doing LESS.

To really nail down the business model (and let go of the rest), to really be clear what kind of deals you want to do (and to let go of the rest) and to really know what kind of investors you want to work with (and to let go of the rest!).

By doing this you will take a huge portion of unnecessary & unhelpful tasks OFF your list, which will actually give you the time that you need BACK. And with that time you can focus on Income Generating Activities (ie. doing more deals) to enable you to truly get to the point that you can afford to hire. 

By doing this you will be taking a SYSTEMISED approach ie. a consistent and replicable approach to how you do deals, which will mean that systemisation will start to happen naturally as a by-product of the actions you are already taking!

So if you want to systemise… this is truly the SIMPLEST way to start that process. 

What do you mean by performance related payment?

When we say performance related, the client's success is measured upon a 200% return on the first payment based on improved cashflow.

Do I need a strategy in place to join this programme or will we work on one together?

You don't need a Strategy or even a defined business model before joining DMA. We will work on that with you as soon as you join. All we ask is that you have income from property investments already and want to scale your property business activities.

How much personal attention will I get on the programme?

Every week the DMA team meeting and discuss the progress on every client on the programme and we ask ourselves the question “What can we do to help this client to raise more finance and do more deals QUICKER?”. Off the back of these discussions we will reach out where needed to offer support, ideas & guidance.  We track the progress of every client on a weekly basis, and when someone is off track we will reach out! So you will get a lot of attention and support.  Having said that, this programme is for people who have their own drive to get up and go! We can’t be there all the time, and you need to be able to take consistent action without constant support.   

Are you still investing in property, or just delivering training courses?

Tomes Homes is on a mission to Make Renting Better than Owning, and Deal Maker Accelerator is our way of amplifying our impact on the property industry - we know we can't do it alone. 

DMA is designed to find property investors with the skills, ambitions & values to lift the sector and making it easier for these investors to get through the growing pains of going from just buying properties, to building a property business. A business that can both provide financially for the owners AND make a difference to the wider industry.