60 Mins of Strategy

Jackie Tomes shares the strategy she has developed over the last 10 years that has taken her from scrambling to pull together the £16k deposit for the first deal to doing over £15M of property deals, raising over £4.2M from investors and now going on holiday every 6 weeks, including:

  • How to diversify your property strategies at the right time (without all the spinning plates you are spinning coming crashing down!)
  • A solution to the ‘chicken-or-the-egg’ problem of deals or investors first?!
  • When systemising and hiring will actually sabotage your success - how to systemise and outsource in an efficient way that actually works
  • How to make sure the property strategy you’re working on will enable you to hit your cashflow goals, without getting overwhelmed

Focus, Raise Finance, Do More Deals and start creating the freedom when you wanted when you started investing in property with this ready-made strategy for scaling up your property business.

See the up-and-coming dates below. 

See the up-and-coming dates below. 

Eastbourne PIN

5th June 2024

Wed, 6pm

Book here

Kent PIN

6th June 2024

Thurs, 6pm

Book here

Watford PIN

13th June 2024

Thurs, 6pm

Book here

Property & Entrepreneurs Summit

15th June 2024

Saturday, 9am

Oxfordshire PIN

18th June 2024

Tues, 6pm

Castlewood Property Strategy Meet

19th June 2024

Wed, 9AM

Portsmouth PIN

19th June 2024

Wed, 6pm

Brighton PIN

20th June 2024

Thurs, 6pm

Blackfriars PIN

26th June 2024

Tues, 6pm

Past Events

Canary Wharf PIN

4th May 2023

Thurs, 6pm

Event is done

PPN Ipswich

10th July 2023

Mon, 6pm

Cardiff PIN

11th July 2023

Tues, 6pm

Briston PIN

12th July 2023

Wed, 6pm

Basingstoke PIN

27th September 2023

Wed, 6pm

Great North PIN

10th October 2023

Tues, 6pm, ONLINE

Stoke on Trent PIN

11th October 2023

Wed, 6pm, ONLINE

PIG Plymouth

5th September 2022

Mon, 6pm

5 Biggest Fails en-route to £15M+ of deals and Financial Freedom!!!

In this talk, Jackie will be sharing her strategy to raising finance, doing more deals and creating the time you dreamed of when you started. Covering…

- The right time to diversify your property strategies without the spinning plates coming crashing down

- The chicken & the egg of deals or investors first

- When systemising and hiring will actually sabotage your success

- The problem with building assets - Is passive income a myth?

Kensington PIN

14th September 2022

Wed, 6pm

In this meeting, I will share with you...

  • The difference between a Business Model and a Business STRATEGY
  • How to create order, structure, scalable systems and a great team in a PROPERTY business
  • Avoiding & shutting down the shiny penny traps as you build

… and doing all of this in an efficient, FUN way where you work ON your property business, NOT IN IT!

Surrey PIN

15th September 2022

Thurs, 6pm

This session brings Business Strategy & Implementation into the Property Investment world. Jackie will share her approach to…

  • Finding a business model that works and can be replicated over and over again
  • Securing more deals with a consistent and focused sourcing plan
  • Lining up the right qualified investors who want to invest on the deals that you want to do

Property Conference


Friday 24 April 10am

Two brilliant things to do right now:

  • 1. Support our NHS
  • 2. Educate yourself

Here's a fantastic way that you can do BOTH! There's a fabulous line up of Property Speakers all of whom are donating their time for free in return for a donation to the NHS.

Market Predictions & how to adjust your 2020/21 Strategy in response to the current economic environment - details, structure and clarity... and how to take productive ACTION during this time.

Plymouth Professional Investors Group

Mon 18th May 6pm

A Full Deep Dive into Structuring Joint Ventures...

Real life deal examples; our BIGGEST MISTAKES; sharing the challenges we've had to overcome - legal, tax, mortgage implications; FCA Regulation & how to create a compliant Pipeline Process; Open Question & Answer.

You need to be there if you want to pull together a deal structures that works for you so you can create more CASHFLOW & FREEDOM for you & your JV partners

The Developers Network

Wed 17th June 8pm

White Box Property Solutions presents...

The Developer's Network: ONLINE

The Property Strategist with a £Multi-Million Property Portfolio will be showing you how to prepare financially during these unprecedented and uncertain times, making sure you and your property business is equipped for the strains that await.

Sheffield PPN

Tues 26th November

This session is all about how you can build a £Multi-Million Property Business that REALLY gives you Freedom & Time by undestanding and implementing Proper Property Strategy. For more information click the link below (tickets will be available 4 weeks before)

Plymouth PIG

Mon 17th February 6pm

Using Property Strategy to create your Perfect Lifestyle! This session is all about how you can build a £Multi-Million Property Business that REALLY gives you Freedom & Time by undestanding and implementing Proper Property Strategy. For more information click the link below.

Professional Investors Group (Online)

Mon 30th March 6pm

Certainty in Uncertain Times!

Stay ahead of all of the chaos and what you can do to mitigate the risks and foreseeable changes that are likely to take place.

The Property Strategist with a £Multi-Million Property Portfolio will be showing you how to prepare financially during these unprecedented and uncertain times, making sure you and your property business is equipped for the strains that await.

Eastbourne pin

Weds 4th September

This session is all about how you can build a £Multi-Million Property Business that REALLY gives you Freedom & Time by undestanding and implementing Proper Property Strategy. For more info & to book click the button below.

West London Property Meet

Thurs 19th Sept

This session is all about how you can build a £Multi-Million Property Business that REALLY gives you Freedom & Time by undestanding and implementing Proper Property Strategy. For more info & to book click the button below.

Northampton pin

Thurs 3rd Octoberr

This session is all about how you can build a £Multi-Million Property Business that REALLY gives you Freedom & Time by undestanding and implementing Proper Property Strategy. For more information click the link below.

The Property Vault

Mon 21st October

This session is all about how you can build a Multi-Million Property Business that REALLY gives you Freedom & Time by undestanding and implementing Proper Property Strategy. For more information click the link below:

Watford pin

Thurs 14th November

How you can build a Multi-Million Property Business that REALLY gives you Freedom & Time by undestanding & implementing Proper Property Strategy.

If you are attending pin for the first time, then book your ticket as my guest for free - use the following discount code at the checkout: tomes

Global Entrepreneurship Week

Tues 19th November

Entrepreneur Stories is a regular event run by the Student Enterprise team, enabling you to meet inspiring people who have turned their ideas into a viable business. I will be sharing my own property journey. Click the link below to register and find out more!

Berkshire pin

Mon 15th November 6.30pm

This session brings Business Strategy & Implementation into the Property Investment world. Jackie will share her approach to…

  • Finding a business model that works and can be replicated over and over again
  • Securing more deals with a consistent and focused sourcing plan
  • Lining up the right qualified investors who want to invest on the deals that you want to do

Croydon pin

Weds 19th May 6.30pm

You will find out how to...

  • Create the seemingly illusive (apparently impossible!) passive income through a well-managed, hassle-free property business
  • Develop multiple streams of income that don’t require your constant involvement
  • Achieve the big Vision you have for your business and your life

Norwich pin

Tues 13th April 6.00pm

You will find out how to...

  • Create the seemingly illusive (apparently impossible!) passive income through a well-managed, hassle-free property business
  • Develop multiple streams of income that don’t require your constant involvement
  • Achieve the big Vision you have for your business and your life

Devon pin

Thurs 25th March 6.00pm

In this meeting, I will share with you...

  • The difference between a Business Model and a Business STRATEGY
  • How to create order, structure, scalable systems and a great team in a PROPERTY business
  • Avoiding & shutting down the shiny penny traps as you build

… and doing all of this in an efficient, FUN way where you work ON your property business, NOT IN IT!

Chester pin

Thurs 12th November 6.30pm

What was your Vision when you first started in property? Are you any closer, or do you now find yourself overwhelmed, struggling to focus & prioritise, and ruled by a never-ending to-do list? 

Let me tell you that there is a better way. Start taking the RIGHT steps now.

Berkshire pin

Mon 16th November 6.30pm

Do you want to know the REALITY and DETAIL behind how to EFFICIENTLY scale-up a property investment business and achieve your dreams through property?

I will share the better way of getting closer to having consistent cashflow from your property business by taking the RIGHT steps.

Kensington pin

Weds 9th September 6.30pm

Want to know the REALITY behind and the DETAIL needed to EFFICIENTLY scale-up a property investment business?

This isn't about that ‘magic formula’ or a ‘simple system’ that is going to answer all of your problems . . .

BUT . . . if you have the tenacity, drive, and commitment to achieve your dreams through property, join me for a no-fluff, all detail session.

Harrogate pin

Weds 2nd September 6.30pm

Are you overwhelmed? Struggling to focus & prioritise? Ruled by a never-ending to-do list? 

Discover the REALITY and DETAIL behind how to EFFICIENTLY scale-up a property investment business. Create order, structure, scalable systems, and a great team in YOUR PROPERTY business.

Glasgow pin

Tues 11th August 6.30pm

You might have a wealth of property knowledge, but without a solid plan across the 5-key areas of Proper Property Strategy, you may find it difficult to get FOCUS and CLARITY during these trying times and emerge on the other side as a winner.

Discover The Property Business Success Formula with me and learn how PROPERty Strategy and Systems can help you build a sustainable and scalable business that can withstand a pandemic.