Create financial & time freedom in your property business… and discover what Freedom really is

Creating a Focused Business Strategy

The diversification dilemma: how specialism & expertise accelerates progress and how bigger deals are not necessarily the answer (even if they could make you £1,000,000+ profit)

Creating an investment proposition that attracts investment: from chasing the wrong investors who kept moving the goal posts (and never investing…) to finding the right partners and raising £6,000,000+

Battling the Shiny Penny Monster: understanding the 7-areas of strategy for a property investment company and how the wrong *courses created big cul-de-sacs and lead to us working every hour under the sun and spinning too many plates to ultimately finding focus and doing £16,000,000+ of deals

Generating Consistent Cashflow

Brilliantly set up businesses do not equal financial freedom. Beautiful business plans do not create cashflow - how to prioritise at different phases to put more cash in the bank, how ‘strategy’ can derail us in property. How to get generating £1,000,000+ in annual revenue

Managing and overcoming perfectionism to find the quickest path to progress & profitability is at the borders of order & chaos and learning how to deal with haters

Maximising cashflow by reducing overheads, maximising profitability and satellite business models: not overlooking the easier ways to maximise cash in the bank

Making time to go on holiday every 6 weeks

Finding enough time! The bombshell realisation that time was not what we thought it was: practical tools for time-management, prioritisation and productivity and ultimately changing our entire relationship with time itself to become the master of it

Delegation by abdication is not systemisation: how to hire and manage a remote team and the lessons learnt from hiring 30+ people and how to go on holiday every 6 weeks (even with people judging)

Holding onto stress is not productivity: the health issues we created for ourselves from down vals & months of waiting for mortgage offers, and finding out how to turn back the clock on the damage we’d done to our bodies whilst building a business

Finding out what Freedom really means

What got you here won’t get you there: hitting rock bottom, depression and questioning if we wanted to keep going… to finding a new state of being that allows us to thrive whilst growing the business. Achieving everything we wanted (and more!)… and the painful realisation that the anxiety was still there… and how that lead to more joy than we had ever experienced before (and buying a motorhome and exploring Europe!)

Why taking responsibility is not always a good thing: projects being derailed leading to cancelled holidays, manual labour on site and burnout, and finding a solution that enables the next level of scale. The worst deals we’ve done and the stress, health issues and transformation they led to

What letting go really means: the tough realisation that what got us to a life of financial and time freedom was NOT what we thought it was… and that we were TOTALLY WRONG about what our problems really were… and how this has been the best thing that could ever of happened. Turns out 7 months in South Africa in amazing villas during covid was actually NOT what freedom truly is

Celebrating 10 years since we started in property

We open our business, hearts & souls to you for a special one-off event to take you behind the scenes on the 10 biggest lessons learned en-route to true FREEDOM (location, financial & emotional).

From the first deal for £108,500 (with refurb paid for on a credit card!) to £16,000,000+ deals done, £5,000,000+ finance raised and a fully remotely managed property portfolio.

Delivered by Tomes Homes co-founders Jackie Tomes & David Wigram, and hosted by our business partner, friend and one of the most influential people in our journey - Dominic Beecheno.

In this event, Jackie & Dave will share not only the highs, but also the lows of their journey to Living the Property Dream.

  • Behind the scenes on the biggest lessons (and HOW we learnt them!) en-route to achieving freedom through property and going on #holidayevery6weeks- hear first hand how we kept ourselves on track and what kept us going through the failures and burn outs
  • From the inspiration to start in 2013, the first deal in 2014... and how we went from this to over £16,000,000+ of deals done and £5,000,000+ finance raised
  • Learning how to build a remote team, from single lets to bigger deals, diversifying too soon and regretting it, working with the wrong investors, working every hour under the sun & spinning too many plates... and finding out that freedom was NOT what we thought it was
  • All the gory details of the toughest moments - the mistakes made, the moments we wanted to give up, and all the crap that we didn't share on social media... and how we managed to buy £M's of property deals whilst travelling the world
  • The challenges & lessons learnt in building a "remote" property portfolio that creates consistent cashflow - from £0 to £1M in revenue in under 10 years

Stories, lessons and open Q&A - the chance to ask your questions about how we managed to survive and thrive through all of the craziness of the last 10 years.

A rare moment to go behind the scenes and hear the true story behind the gloss of social media, that we will never repeat. And live and in-person! Which you won't find very often with us epic travellers 😉





General Admission - £250.00

VIP Ticket*- £ 350.00


  • Private dinner with Jackie, Dave & Dom after the event
  • VIP Freedom Formula Toolkit - including documents and mini-courses to help you implement the learnings from the day (including: comprehensive VA hiring process & example contract, Property Strategy Business Plan Template and Time & Team management trainings using Asana)
  • Front row reserved seating
  • Priority for your questions in the Q&A sections


9th November 2023 (Thursday), 9AM to 6PM


Broadway House, Westminster, London



As a bonus for signing up, you'll receive free access to our

"Raising Finance Formula" live online event

(originally priced at £199!)

This is designed to remove any finance blocks you may have and empower you to do more deals. We will be sharing with you a proven & tested sytemised approach to lining up investor funds

the EASIER and SIMPLER way.

More details about what to expect from the Raising Finance Formula HERE.

Final few tickets remaining!




David Wigram, Managing Director of Tomes Homes

a.k.a 'Detail Dave'

  • Has raised over £6M of investor finance for property deals using the Property Strategy ‘Raising Finance Formula
  • Advises over £50M of property businesses through his ‘Portfolio Cashflow Optimiser’ service - a bespoke property portfolio reporting methodology designed to enable property business owners to take control of their finances, make better business decisions and increase their profit margins
  • Has successfuly supported £100M+ of other property businesses, enabling them to do more deals, raise more finance and achieve their own dream lifestyles
David Wigram-Tomes, Deal Maker Accelerator DMA Mentor


Founder & CEO Tomes Homes

a.k.a 'The Property Strategist'

  • Has grown her initial purchase of £108.5k to £16M+ worth of deals done to date - her portfolio focused mainly on block of flats strategy
  • Spoken at over 200 property events, is a world record holding public speaker, featured multiple times in YPN magazine, and in two Amazon No 1 bestselling books
  • Developed the #holidayevery6weeks lifestyle - Jackie spends most of her time travelling the world and focusing on growing her own property business - so this is a rare opportunity to have her with us this evening
  • Created Business Strategies for over 100 property businesses – and is here to share how we too can Focus, Raise Finance, Do More Deals and create FREEDOM - with this ready-made strategy for scaling up your property business.


Highly Accredited Business Coach

a.k.a 'Peak Performance Coach'

  • A qualified SFEDI Business and Skills Adviser, and ILM Coach and Mentor with over 5000 hours of experience diagnosing needs, coaching and mentoring over 2500 Small business leaders in the last 18 years
  • Qualified in multiple personal profile analysis tools, such as DISC, Harrison Assessments, Wealth Dynamics, Motivational Mapping and Growth Mapping
  • Coaches and mentors 10-20 business leaders every week, holding them accountable, ensuring they remain focused on their strategic goals and have the necessary skills and head space to deliver results
Headshot of Dominic Beecheno