Discover everything you need to know to raise £M+ to do more deals & reach your goals faster and quicker

Our ready-made strategy for

attracting & securing investors

for your property deals

  • Stop over analysing, get focused & start doing with Business Model Selection process ​
  • Make your deals investible: know your numbers, nail down your criteria and what you are looking for (amount, returns, timeframe)​
  • Unlock your own investor network by finding & attracting the right investors - know what to say to potential investors: pitch-without-pitching to your existing network to attract ‘low hanging fruit’ ​and creating your investor avatar​
  • Elevator pitch - that you know by heart and can deliver with confidence in an FCA compliant way
  • Investor Packs, Deal Packs, Social Media & Networking plan in place - examples and step-by-step templates, key messaging for your website & social media profiles​, Investor Focused Content Posting Challenge
  • Investor Pipeline Process implemented: total clarity on how to move investors through - template process, example emails & meeting agendas​
  • Confidently answer investor questions: exact flow of conversations & meetings for whole pipeline process with live role-plays​
  • Contracts & Legal documents – examples of everything we use: Heads of Terms, JV Contracts, Loan Agreements, Shareholders Agreement, FCA documentation, Investor Strategy Consultation Agenda, Deal Pack Template, Investor Pack Template​


Detail Dave's

Comprehensive Deal Analyser

  • Overcome overwhelm, procrastination and worry
  • Follow a proven pipeline process to get investors to say Yes
  • Raise finance with confidence and ease



Price: £3995 (inc. VAT)


3 x £1500 monthly instalments

**Business partners are welcome to join for an additional 50% charge


  • Online Pitch & Pipeline Practice Workshops x3 – from 9am-12pm: 9th May, 13th June, 16th July - £450
  • Business Model Selector - £150
  • Feedback on your Investor Deck - £150
  • Lifetime Access to all our Raising Finance on-demand sessions – including all updates & improvements as we make them - £500 1 year | £2500 5 years
  • Social Media Plan Messaging Strategy - process, templates & social media challenge – £900
  • Full Finance Raising Document Toolkit - £8,000+
  • Detail Dave’s Deal Analyser – 10 years of work, thousands of hours



Founder & CEO Tomes Homes

a.k.a 'The Property Strategist'

  • Has grown her initial purchase of £108.5k to £16M+ worth of deals done to date - her portfolio focused mainly on block of flats strategy
  • Spoken at over 200 property events, is a world record holding public speaker, featured multiple times in YPN magazine, and in two Amazon No 1 bestselling books
  • Developed the #holidayevery6weeks lifestyle - Jackie spends most of her time travelling the world and focusing on growing her own property business - so this is a rare opportunity to have her with us this evening
  • Created Business Strategies for over 100 property businesses – and is here to share how we too can Focus, Raise Finance, Do More Deals and create FREEDOM - with this ready-made strategy for scaling up your property business.


David Wigram, Managing Director of Tomes Homes

a.k.a 'Detail Dave'

  • Has raised over £6M of investor finance for property deals using the Property Strategy ‘Raising Finance Formula
  • Advises over £50M of property businesses through his ‘Portfolio Cashflow Optimiser’ service - a bespoke property portfolio reporting methodology designed to enable property business owners to take control of their finances, make better business decisions and increase their profit margins
  • Has successfuly supported £100M+ of other property businesses, enabling them to do more deals, raise more finance and achieve their own dream lifestyles
David Wigram-Tomes, Deal Maker Accelerator DMA Mentor


Highly Accredited Business Coach

a.k.a 'Peak Performance Coach'

  • A qualified SFEDI Business and Skills Adviser, and ILM Coach and Mentor with over 5000 hours of experience diagnosing needs, coaching and mentoring over 2500 Small business leaders in the last 18 years
  • Qualified in multiple personal profile analysis tools, such as DISC, Harrison Assessments, Wealth Dynamics, Motivational Mapping and Growth Mapping
  • Coaches and mentors 10-20 business leaders every week, holding them accountable, ensuring they remain focused on their strategic goals and have the necessary skills and head space to deliver results
Headshot of Dominic Beecheno