4 day residential retreat at a stunning villa in the Italian countryside to overcome what’s REALLY holding you back from raising finance so you can do more deals


the biggest blockage that’s holding you back from becoming the person who can raise

£Ms investor finance

On the retreat, you will...

  • Become aware of how YOU are subconsciously holding yourself back from raising finance
  • Clarify your limiting beliefs, understand where they come from and learn tools & techniques to overcome them so you can raise finance with ease
  • Become the person who can raise Millions by re-writing your money blueprint with a mindset of wealth & abundance
  • Let go of your limiting beliefs around money that are holding you back so you can take the path of least resistance to raising finance and doing deals
  • Stop worrying and start putting yourself out there and going for no - find a deeper sense of self-confidence where a ‘no’ is not failure, but progress
  • Transform procrastination, stress, anxiety and burnout into passion, excitement and inspiration through a scientific approach to Freedom & Manifesting
  • Get the confidence and to know that every problem has a solution and the self-management processes to go for it without holding yourself back

This is not a training course. 


To enable you to look at the challenges you’re facing when it comes to raising finance and working with investors with a whole new perspective...and in doing so, allow you to see the path of least resistance past those challenges. So you can unlock your investor network and find joy in raising finance.

As mentors, our focus has always been on providing high level strategic guidance, detailed property knowledge and practical implementation support. However, results are often hard won, and we have always felt like there must be an easier way for our mentees to get the results we know they're capable of.

So in the last 18 months we have been taking a different approach, supplementing our normal practical support with new tools and techniques that are designed to attack the ROOT CAUSE of what is blocking business progress and slowing down results.

We took this new approach to new levels at our latest retreat for our Deal Maker Accelerator clients in September... and the results have been nothing short of spectacular!

In the 3 months after the retreat we saw more deals done, more finance raised, more opportunities created and more barriers overcome than in most of the previous year combined.... and all with a whole lot less stress and a lot more fun whilst doing it!

It’s clear that the new tools and techniques we are using with our clients are needed by anyone who is struggling to get the results that they are searching for in property. Which is why for the first time ever, we are opening up our retreat to business owners outside of our mentees, so that we can bring these transformational techniques to those who are ready to take a whole different approach to solving challenges and moving their business forwards in an entirely new way.





3 x monthly payments of £1500

*PRICING INCLUSIVE OF VAT, accommodation, transfers & food included in the price –

you just buy the flight (c.£100 right now)

Flight details:

Depart Stanstead to Perugia 17:25 Thurs 19th Sept

Return Stanstead to Perugia 10:30pm Mon 23rd Sept

  • Bring along a business/life partner or friend and share a room - you each get a 25% discount using promo code 'PBB-PARTNER'
  • Coming on your own but happy to share a room - 25% discount using promo code 'PBB-SHARE' (we’ll team you up with someone else who is coming on their own of the same gender)





3 x monthly payments of £965

Note: Only 5 spaces left at this price


Thursday 19th September 2024 - Monday 23rd September 2024


Villa Teloni, Italy


Take the path of least resistance to working with investors and raising finance through personal transformation so you can do more deals.

We will identify the sub-conscious story that is making raising finance a struggle for you, shine the light on the root cause of this and show you the process to liberate yourself from it so you can stop holding yourself back, and start going for it with investors.

If you know you want to raise finance, and you’ve been trying to do it, but finding it a real struggle… this is for you. It’s time to transform that struggle into ease with a completely new way of looking at the problem.

We have been running retreats for our clients on Deal Maker Accelerator for a couple of years, and we have watched the incredible transformation in terms of both business progress, as well as general happiness.

The criteria to join DMA is very strict, and we only work with a small number of mentees at any one time. So we wanted to find a way to be able to help and support those who are not part DMA but would really benefit from going through this process.

A deep and transformative personal journey to understanding yourself and what is holding you back on a deeper level when it comes to raising finance, with a group of likeminded property business owners.

Who is it for?

  • Property investors at all levels. 
  • This retreat is not focused on the ‘technical how to’ of investing in property - but is designed for those who are either already investing in property and have some knowledge OR those who have undertaken property training / mentoring but feel that the output in terms of RESULTS does not equal the effort going in (and despite working very hard, you can’t quite figure out why it’s not clicking) 
  • This retreat will provide a completely different perspective on your investing (and your life) to help you accelerate your progress

This retreat is designed to leave you feeling refreshed, energised and inspired. So we are focused on providing a healthy and nourishing overall experience.

What does this mean for you?

  • Alcohol is very limited (just 1 glass with dinner) as we don’t want any hangovers ruining all our good work
  • We invite you to turn off your phones devices on arrival so that you can enjoy a digital detox and completely unplug from life as ‘usual’
  • Jackie, Dave & Dom are all big believers in intermittent fasting for both health and mental clarity, so we encourage participants to do the same. We have one main meal per day (at around 5pm) with light DIY breakfasts and lunches available for those that want them

The retreat will take you on a deep personal inner journey, to shine the light on parts of yourself that you are not consciously aware of right now to help you to find easier ways to do things in your business.

We create a kind, open, supportive and loving environment in order for you to experience this. We will be very open about our personal challenges that we have been through as part of our process to help you. So come to the retreat with an open-mind an open heart, and the courage to explore parts of yourself and your business that you haven’t before.



David Wigram, Managing Director of Tomes Homes

a.k.a 'Detail Dave'

  • Has raised over £6M of investor finance for property deals using the Property Strategy ‘Raising Finance Formula
  • Advises over £50M of property businesses through his ‘Portfolio Cashflow Optimiser’ service - a bespoke property portfolio reporting methodology designed to enable property business owners to take control of their finances, make better business decisions and increase their profit margins
  • Has successfuly supported £100M+ of other property businesses, enabling them to do more deals, raise more finance and achieve their own dream lifestyles
David Wigram-Tomes, Deal Maker Accelerator DMA Mentor


Founder & CEO Tomes Homes

a.k.a 'The Property Strategist'

  • Has grown her initial purchase of £108.5k to £16M+ worth of deals done to date - her portfolio focused mainly on block of flats strategy
  • Spoken at over 200 property events, is a world record holding public speaker, featured multiple times in YPN magazine, and in two Amazon No 1 bestselling books
  • Developed the #holidayevery6weeks lifestyle - Jackie spends most of her time travelling the world and focusing on growing her own property business - so this is a rare opportunity to have her with us this evening
  • Created Business Strategies for over 100 property businesses – and is here to share how we too can Focus, Raise Finance, Do More Deals and create FREEDOM - with this ready-made strategy for scaling up your property business.


Highly Accredited Business Coach

a.k.a 'Peak Performance Coach'

  • A qualified SFEDI Business and Skills Adviser, and ILM Coach and Mentor with over 5000 hours of experience diagnosing needs, coaching and mentoring over 2500 Small business leaders in the last 18 years
  • Qualified in multiple personal profile analysis tools, such as DISC, Harrison Assessments, Wealth Dynamics, Motivational Mapping and Growth Mapping
  • Coaches and mentors 10-20 business leaders every week, holding them accountable, ensuring they remain focused on their strategic goals and have the necessary skills and head space to deliver results
Headshot of Dominic Beecheno